We are an English-speaking, protestant, non-denominational church in Nicosia, Cyprus.

We gather on Sunday mornings at 11:30 am at St. Paul's Anglican Cathedral in Nicosia, Cyprus. All visitors are welcome! 

We are a congregation made up of people from different countries and backgrounds, unified in Jesus Christ. We meet every Sunday to worship the one true God, equip and encourage one another, and learn from the Bible. Jesus is at the centre of our lives and we do our best to share and live out the gospel daily by the power of the Holy Spirit.

We would love for you to visit us in person. We also recognise that this is not possible for some, so we livestream our services every Sunday on our Facebook page, where recordings of our past services are also available.

What We Believe
We believe salvation is the gift of God through faith in Jesus Christ, who loves us and died for our sins, who rose again, conquering death, and is seated at the right hand of God. Through faith in him we receive forgiveness of sin and are spiritually reborn. We live by the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit and enjoy unity with God and eternal life. We believe in the finished work of Jesus Christ, having repented and now trusting in him alone for our salvation. We are adopted children of God, brothers and sisters in Christ, and members of the body of Christ, his hands and feet here on earth, with him as the head. We represent him to the world and are united in him, sharing the same Holy Spirit. We are called to love one another as he has loved us, so that people will know that we are his disciples. 

You Are Warmly Invited!
We would love to meet you! If you want to know more about our church and our vision for ministry, feel free to visit our about page or get in touch via email. Directions can be found here.

Get Connected

To receive more information about who we are and what is happening at NIC, you can join us on Facebook or you can email us at info@nicosiainternationalchurch.com

Our Location

Our regular gathering is located
opposite the Greek Embassy, near the
Ministry of Labour, at:  

St. Paul's Anglican Cathedral
2 Grigori Afxentiou Street
1096 Nicosia

For more detailed information see our directions page.